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Workers’ Compensation Case: What about the Medicare Set-Aside?

Workers Compensation , MSA

February 13, 2020

An inquiry that Synergy receives on a regular basis involves a Medicare-eligible claimant who has both a workers’ compensation and a third-party liability companion case. The third-party liability claim has resolved and now the workers’ comp carrier …

Injury Victim Gets Part B Denial of Care by Medicare

Jason D. Lazarus, J.D., LL.M., CSSC, MSCC

In the past, trial lawyers never had to worry about whether Medicare would pay for their client’s future care post-settlement. There is cause for concern that this may not be the case in …

Settlement Language Can Make or Break a Workers Compensation Case

Workers Compensation , MSA

B Josh Pettingill

Appropriate settlement language can make a significant impact on the total amount of the workers’ compensation settlement, as well as dollars that the injured worker receives. This brief article will provide plaintiff/applicant attorneys with the requisite settlement …

Reversionary Clauses and the Impact on Injured Worker

B. Josh Pettingill

Reversionary clauses have become a common term of settlement in workers’ compensation cases involving a Medicare Set Aside (MSA). It is important for workers’ compensation attorneys to understand how these clauses can impact the injured worker, as

Evidence Based MSAs (EBMSAs): Don’t Accept Blindly

Workers Compensation , MSA

B Josh Pettingill

Evidence Based MSAs (EBMSAs) have taken the workers’ compensation industry by storm the past several years. It is imperative for workers’ compensation attorneys to understand how EBMSAs can impact both the settlement value, as well as your

Taking Advantage of the WCMSA Re-Review Process

B. Josh Pettingill

We frequently receive inquiries regarding workers compensation MSAs (WCMSAs) and whether it is possible to get CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) to re-review an MSA once an amount has already been approved. The good news …

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