Synergy’s Workers’ Compensation Medicare Secondary Payer Advice Column
July 28, 2021
Rasa Fumagalli JD, MSCC, CMSP-F
Introducing “Since You Asked,” Synergy’s first in a series of columns addressing MSP compliance questions in the area of workers’ compensation.
“My client is settling her case and does not know …
ABLE Accounts: Helping Clients on Public Benefits Make the Most of their Recovery
October 8, 2020
ABLE accounts, named for the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act, have been around since 2014 but remain underutilized across the country despite offering a way for people with disabilities and public benefits to save money without …
Public Benefits Preservation: What Your Client Doesn’t Know will Hurt Them, and You!
April 9, 2020
By: Evelynn Passino
One of the many practice points rarely taught in law school: your client may lose public benefits as a result of a recovery, and you have a duty, as their attorney, to discuss benefit …