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Strategic Outsourcing Can Save “Time on Desk”!

In a personal injury law firm, time truly is money. The longer a case remains on your desk, the longer your clients wait for their recovery and your firm’s revenue realization is delayed. This is where the concept of Time …

Deciphering MSP Compliance Settlement Terms


Settlement documents, such as the release, for cases involving Medicare beneficiaries will often contain puzzling boilerplate Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) compliance terms. At times, you may also see lengthy addendums to the release that appear to have been copied straight …

To Outsource or Not: Which Lien Type Makes Sense


The decision to outsource lien resolution is pivotal in a personal injury practice as it can significantly improve both the efficiency of the firm and financial outcome of a client’s case. With varying complexities and regulatory requirements, understanding which healthcare …

Effective ERISA Lien Reduction Strategies


Navigating ERISA liens can be a daunting task, given the complexity of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and its impact on self-insured health plan reimbursement. Although a comprehensive exploration of ERISA is beyond this blog, understanding some key …

Medicare Advantage Plans: Resolving The Hidden Lien

Medicare Advantage

In our previous blog, we tackled the Medicare conditional payment resolution process. However, if your client, during treatment for their injuries, switched to a Medicare Advantage Plan (MAO-Part C), the resolution process might not be over. Here’s why: While you …

Lien Resolution in a Nutshell


In the complicated world of personal injury practice, lien resolution is a pivotal yet often daunting aspect of the resolution process for cases. For trial lawyers, the task of the resolution of various liens can be both challenging and crucial …

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